Birds of Prey: Goshawk
At Home with the Glynns, Chapter 40:
Sven: “What was that?”
Ingrid: “What?”
Sven: “I thought I heard the cry of a herring gull being disemboweled by a goshawk.”
Sigrid: “Nonsense.”
Sven: “Must have been my imagination.”
Wikipedia, “Eurasian goshawk”:
In many areas, Eurasian goshawks will pursue water birds of several varieties, although they rarely form a large portion of the diet. Perhaps the most often recorded water birds in the diet are ducks. All told, 32 waterfowl have been recorded in Eurasian and American goshawks’ diet. […] Among shorebirds (or small waders), goshawks have been reported preying on more than 22 sandpipers, more than 8 plovers, more than 10 species each of gull and tern, more than 2 species of alcids and the Eurasian stone-curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), the Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) and the long-tailed jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus).
At Home with the Glynns, Chapter 40:
Slowly, slowly, patiently, I advanced the work, bit by tiny bit, progressing slowly, but always progressing. […]
Her hair was longer and even fuller than I had supposed. Her shoulders were much clearer, thanks in large part to the way her hair fell over them. I began to be able to see—not clearly, just sketchily—how she held her arms.
Continuing the chronicle of Peter’s attempts to draw the dark-haired girl:
When I finished, I considered what I’d done. This was good. This was better than I had imagined I could do. Imagined. Could this be the product of my imagination? A figment of my imagination? If it was, I had some imagination.
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