The Personal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy
The Personal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy
🎧 887: As soon as . . .
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:36

🎧 887: As soon as . . .

Leaving Small’s Hotel, Chapter 5 concludes, read by the author

AS SOON AS we were under the covers, Albertine said, “The boiler is on its last legs.”
“What happened to ‘Good night, my darling, I love you a zillion’?” I asked.
“It’s the scale.”
“Okay, a billion. I can understand that we’ve got to cut back — ”
“The scale in the boiler.”
“The tinkers have been saying that for fifteen years.”
“And they’ve been right for fifteen years.”
“Will it keep limping along until the place is sold?”
“Who knows? That scale keeps building up, so we’re actually putting a lot of our money into heating the scale rather than making steam, and the pressure keeps creeping up because we have to push the steam through these pipes that are being progressively narrowed by scale — ”
“High boiler pressure, the silent killer.”
“It’s like the accumulation of cholesterol plaque in atherosclerosis — ”
“So we could suffer a boiler attack.”
“Aye, yi, yi.”
“And the roof really needs to be completely re-shingled — ”
“Good night, my darling,” I said. “I love you a zillion.”

[to be continued]

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The illustration in the banner that opens each episode is from an illustration by Stewart Rouse that first appeared on the cover of the August 1931 issue of Modern Mechanics and Inventions.

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