Leaving Small’s Hotel, Chapter 17:
AT ABOUT THREE I gave up trying to get to sleep. […] I went downstairs and into the kitchen, where I made a turkey sandwich from the leftovers refrigerator. I took it out onto the porch, and I found Lou sitting there.
“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked.
“Couldn’t sleep,” I said. […]
“Was it anxieties or regrets?”
“Anxieties and regrets.”
William Makepeace Thackeray, Pendennis
Even in later days and with a great deal of care and other thoughtful matter to keep him awake, a man from long practice or fatigue or resolution begins by going to sleep as usual, and gets a nap in advance of Anxiety. But she soon comes up with him and jogs his shoulder, and says: “Come, my man, no more of this laziness; you must wake up and have a talk with me.” Then they fall together in the midnight.
Fernando Pessoa, as Bernardo Soares, The Book of Disquietude (translated by Richard Zenith):
If one day I were given a flash of expressive power so great that it concentrated all art in me, then I would write a eulogy to sleep. I know no greater pleasure in life than that of being able to sleep. The total extinguishing of life and the soul, the complete banishment of all beings and people, the night with neither memory nor illusion, the absence of past and future.
See also:
Anxiety for the Future TG 30, TG 126; Anxiety for the Unknown TG 126
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