At Home with the Glynns, Chapter 41:
I stood there, staring at the drawing, admiring the work I’d done, admiring the girl I had discovered. Looking into her eyes, it was easy to imagine that she was looking right at me. Easy to imagine. Had I gone too far? Were the girls right? Had I gone much too far? Had the first step, weeks before, been a step too far? Could this girl be nothing more than a figment of my imagination? Could my imagination be that good? Was this a portrait of a real girl or just a drawing of my mind’s eye’s apple?
Concluding the chronicle of Peter’s attempts to draw the dark-haired girl:
See also:
Obsessions TG 864
Imagination TG 62; Imagination, Improvisation TG 102; Imagination TG 113, TG 713, TG 862
Revision: rewriting, revising, rethinking, renovating TG 10, TG 421; Writing (and Drawing): Drafting, Writing (and Drawing): Revising TG 421, TG 862
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You can begin reading at the beginning or you can catch up by visiting the archive or consulting the index to the Topical Guide. The Substack serialization of Little Follies begins here; Herb ’n’ Lorna begins here; Reservations Recommended begins here; Where Do You Stop? begins here; What a Piece of Work I Am begins here; At Home with the Glynns begins here.
You can listen to the episodes on the Personal History podcast. Begin at the beginning or scroll through the episodes to find what you’ve missed. The Substack podcast reading of Little Follies begins here; Herb ’n’ Lorna begins here; Reservations Recommended begins here; Where Do You Stop? begins here; What a Piece of Work I Am begins here; At Home with the Glynns begins here.
You can listen to “My Mother Takes a Tumble” and “Do Clams Bite?” complete and uninterrupted as audiobooks through YouTube.
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At Apple Books you can download free eBooks of Little Follies, Herb ’n’ Lorna, Reservations Recommended, and Where Do You Stop? and What a Piece of Work I Am.
You’ll find overviews of the entire work in An Introduction to The Personal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy (a pdf document), The Origin Story (here on substack), Between the Lines (a video, here on Substack), and at Encyclopedia.com.