Philosophical Concepts: Das Ding an Sich; Noumenon and Phenomenon
Leaving Small’s Hotel, Chapter 7:
The detector was a simple device: just a few pieces of wire, a compass needle, a battery, and a bulb. The plans included two diagrams: a “pictorial” and a “schematic.” Here is the pictorial, drawn from memory:
Here is the schematic, also drawn from memory:
You see the difference. The pictorial depicts the thing as we would see it if it were assembled by a professional using the highest-quality components, but the schematic is a depiction of the essence of the thing; instead of showing the thing, it shows the point of the thing, its function and meaning, the ding an sich. The pictorial is an attempt to represent the object, but the schematic is an attempt to represent the ideal underlying the object. All the electrical projects I built in my boyhood career as a builder of electrical projects included in their instructions both types of diagram: one for the realists and one for the idealists, the dreamers.
noumenon, in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, the thing-in-itself (das Ding an sich) as opposed to what Kant called the phenomenon—the thing as it appears to an observer. Though the noumenal holds the contents of the intelligible world, Kant claimed that man’s speculative reason can only know phenomena and can never penetrate to the noumenon. […]
phenomenon, in philosophy, any object, fact, or occurrence perceived or observed. In general, phenomena are the objects of the senses (e.g., sights and sounds) as contrasted with what is apprehended by the intellect. […] In English translations of the works of Immanuel Kant, “phenomenon” is often used to translate Erscheinung (“appearance”), Kant’s term for the immediate object of sensory intuition […]. Kant contrasted it to the noumenon, or thing-in-itself […].
Here is Kraft’s reading of the episode from Chipps & Company’s 1999 series of readings from Leaving Small’s Hotel for LTV Studios:
See also:
Philosophical Concepts: The Harmony of the Spheres TG 92; Das Ding an Sich TG 570; Noumenon and Phenomenon TG 855
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